Our First YouTube Video


We took the plunge and dived into the world of Vlogging. We bought a Go Pro and will be filming our adventures while out on the road. It will be interesting to bring friends and family along on this crazy adventure.

A lot of friends and family have been asking for updates, so we figured this would be the easiest way to keep people updated and not have to repeat ourselves.

We are also doing this for us. We want to have something that we can look back on the memories that trucking has created for us. We are very blessed to be able to travel the USA for a living. Yes, it will have it’s up and downs, but every job does. What we love about it is we love to travel and we are at some place new every day.

Our training has been going smooth so far. We have been out on the road longer than expected, but that’s ok. We have seen 16 states. So far our favorite states that we have driven through have been New Mexico and Colorado. The drive from New Mexico into Colorado is absolutely stunning.

The video explains our first set back during our training. We might be exploring St. Louis, MO this upcoming weekend. Stay tuned for more updates.  God bless and happy travels.


Richie & Melissa



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